Australian Mensa (AM) is a high IQ society, part of an International Mensa alliance of some 45 Nations. We provide a social network for like minded children and adults of all ages and nationalities. We foster intelligence amongst the community at large. We give grants to Gifted Children and a research grant each year.
Normally schools with a Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator, are accepted, but not mandatory.
Each school is assessed on a one to one basis, so if you believe you wish to raise awareness, attract more gifted attendees, becoming an AM Affiliate will definitely assist in your efforts.
After approval from us, register on our website. The link will be supplied once your application is approved by our Schools Coordinator. We will assist you every step of the way.
A: AMSA School membership fee is $88 per annum.
B: Individual Candidates:
We can arrange to test your students and staff at your school, provided there are at least 5 candidates, who must be 10 years or older. The cost is. $30 per candidate rather than the usual cost of $60 for children and $75 for adults.
Successful candidates can then apply to join Mensa, upon payment of the normal annual fee for under 18s of $44 or $88 for adults. Regardless of the test results, any candidate can apply for our expanded Test Report, which contains invaluable IQ assessments ($55)
C: Candidates who already have qualifying score in a recognised IQ test, carried out by a fully registered psychologist, can apply for admission to Mensa by ‘Prior Evidence‘ at a cost of $40.